MagicWaste Management is a full-service solid waste & recycling management company. Our commitment is to represent the best interest of our customers. We are experts in the field of solid waste & recycling. We use a powerful combination of experience and skill to ensure that our customers are receiving the very best service available and the latest technology at the lowest possible cost.
MWM can provide service to all commercial, multifamily, industrial, and retail properties using various sizes of dumpster containers or 96-gallon toters.
We have successfully implemented all methods of recycling, including: carboard balers, compactors, 96-gallon toters, and hand set-out bins.
MWM also provides personal in-service training to your employees or janitorial staff to ensure your recycling program is the pinnacle of success.

For high-volume refuse generators with space constraints, roll off compactors may be the better solution.
Compaction units are available in 15, 20, 30, or 40-yard sizes to best fit your property layout and refuse level.
MWM provides large open-top construction dumpsters in various sizes (10-40 yard) that can also be utilized for remodels, bulky waste, office clean outs, land clearing, Christmas trees, etc.