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It's simple! At MagicWaste Management, we are experts in the field of solid waste and recycling. Our team includes consultants, managers, brokers, and the friendliest, most helpful customer service representatives. Together we put this powerful combination of experience, dedication, and skill to work for our customers to ensure they are receiving the very best waste collection service available and latest technology at the lowest cost possible.
Step 1:
Waste Audit
We begin our process by providing our customers with a complete waste audit at all of their service locations. Waste audits are necessary because they may reveal inadequate service levels, excessive cost and billing errors. During the waste audit we also review all of our customers’ service agreements to make sure that you are receiving the specified service for the specified price with no hidden fees!

Step 2:
tailored program
MagicWaste will design a custom tailored solution to your solid waste needs that may include changing waste haulers, use of new technology, adjusting service levels or increased recycling.
Step 3:
contracting and management
MagicWaste matches your custom solution with the best waste hauler available for each service location, implementing changes in equipment and/or service levels, while ensuring a great price. MWM will then contract the preferred waste hauler, managing the account directly with them so you don’t have to!
As an independent waste manager, having no obligation to any particular hauler, we are free to pick and choose the best waste hauler to suit your needs. This gives us a competitive advantage to make sure that your highest expectations are met.

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